CALL YOURSELF A WRITER In a long run, your mindset is going to determine how successful a writer you'd become. Call yourself a writer, put it on your social media bio, when you meet people introduce yourself as a writer, and don't try to be humble about it, because what you do is not easy. Wear the title "Writer" like a crown. It is not showing off, it is staking your claim on a talent bestowed on you. SELL YOUR CREATIVITY TO YOURSELF Before you write, create an idea in your mind, tell yourself the idea, if your mind isn't buying it. Grow your idea, your mind is your creative hub. Resell the idea. Write like your story is Nobel literature standards. When I write, I intend to make myself feel jealous of what I just wrote, I want to sit back and hype myself "girrrl, you wrote this?? Say what!!" KEEP SHOWING UP Writers draw their motivation from different places, at different times my motivation comes from "a muse", a tiny male voice i...