How I Almost Fell In Love; Of Breakfasts and shitty almost-relationships.
(Based on true events, except the untrue parts.👀 ) Hiya! Yard Girl here! I promised to write back and here I am! Before I begin, I’d like to say that I love Love, I love to see relationships that work and I like to be constantly reassured that I am not crazy to want to get it right in choosing a partner. When I tell people my relationship status, they first doubt me and then proceed to name all my qualities and reaffirm how impossible the probability of me being still single is. I’m not single because I want to. Now that I think of it, I am single because I want to. This thing called settling because I can’t afford to not have someone call me ‘babe’ is not for me. In this not very long blog post, I'll be sharing my honest random thoughts on relationships. You might not agree with everything you read and that's okay. Let's dive right in! The Gist I almost fell in love some time ago. I thought I had met ‘The One’. It felt great, really. This wasn’t just some silly ...