Boundaries 101; Try Silence Sometimes.


Yard Girl here!

I am back like I went to buy bread! 

It's been a minute. I’ve missed writing here and also reading your amazing contributions.

A lot has happened since the last time I wrote to you. Adulthood is steadily showing me shege but I'm dealing with it. (Abba doing his thing as usual.) I’ll give you the gist in bits. I do not want to bore you. Lol.

Let’s dive right in.

Now, I have had a lot of conversations surrounding the subject of setting boundaries.  What struck me the most was the fact that some people do not believe that boundaries should be defined in their relationships. They mistake random people for friends, and

allow these 'friends' have a say in how they look and feel. 

Boundaries according to, can be defined as the limits we set with other people, which indicate what we find acceptable and unacceptable in their behaviour towards us.

Here's the story behind this post: 

So, I cut my hair last year. Honestly, there was no reason behind me deciding to have a haircut. I woke up that morning and said to my friend, 'I’m going to cut my hair.' I wanted a new look. I did it, it felt great. I look good.

Of course, I received a lot of questions on why I cut my hair but nothing hit home more than the conversation I had two days ago. I had this person contact me last year. She wanted her contact saved due to a service I might offer her in the future. We never had a follow-up conversation after the first, and she had not requested my services yet. I randomly posted a throwback photo from 2018 and she commented how I looked better with my hair and kept hammering on me growing my hair back even though I said I felt prettier just the way I was. I felt uncomfortable and the next morning, I sent her a message

(Excuse the typos)

Now, she got all defensive and asked me to delete her number(I didn't. I allowed her the honour of doing it herself.) It was the fact that I politely expressed my discomfort in what she had said and how she still saw nothing wrong with it that got me irritated and I decided to share this here. 

I do not care if I lose a potential client. Even in professional relationships, there should be boundaries. I’m not going to allow random strangers to make me uncomfortable with their ‘advice’ and comments and swallow it hook line and sinker.

I shared this experience with my WhatsApp community and some people pointed out that I was rude in my response to her. Someone also said the Lady was entitled to her opinion of how I looked because she was on my Contact list, and was automatically my friend.

Here's what I think;

First off, I am not appreciative of random strangers telling me what to do with my body or whatnot. Not even my close friends enjoy this privilege.

Secondly, we are not automatically friends because you have my number saved. Friendship is a really big deal. This is why we have people who are better described as colleagues, classmates, neighbours, customers, and acquaintances.

Thirdly people do not even realize they are encroaching on other people's boundaries, they hide under the guise of ‘na cruise’ ‘ you are too serious jor’ ‘i was just joking’ It is okay to have opinions on politics, sports, fashion, books,  but draw the line at having opinions on how people look or the decisions they have made on their appearance. Park your break and reverse when such opinions start forming in your head and you are moved to say or type it. 

Lastly, I was sweet nau, I even added a 😘 for the culture. 


Yesterday, the first message my friend received was from someone who replied to her status update and referred to her arms as ‘Mummy G.O Arms’ Imagine waking up and the first thing you see is a comment shaming your beautiful body? 

Again, it is not okay to make random jokes and snide comments on the insecurities of others, there is no planet that this is acceptable.

Some things are better left unsaid. Before you give that unsolicited opinion/advice, have a rethink. Ask yourself ‘How would I feel if someone said this to me?'

Honestly, It is not your business and you are not entitled to having opinions on how people look. It could be a health issue, it could be because they just want to look like that.

In the few months preceding the death of Chadick Boseman (of blessed memory) he had posted a video on the gram asking people to stay safe during the lockdown and his weight loss was glaring, some people showed concern but most of the comments were vile and mean. He trended, they called him the 'Crack Panther'

When the cause of his death was revealed, the world became silent and everyone had something to say about being kind with words. 

Every day people are constantly put down by the random comments of other people.

My baby sister (14) recently started skipping meals and eating way less food than usual and you can guess the reason.

People see me sometimes and tell me 'Eat so you can gain weight' Oh Wow! Such a smart idea! Why did I not think of eating earlier?

How We Can Do Better.

Pay attention to how people react when you say certain things. Not everyone is 100% expressive. They might not say how uncomfortable your comment has made them feel but if you notice your words may have triggered insecurity, it is okay to say ‘Hi XYZ, I realize something I said may have made you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry about this. I'll make sure I never speak about this again.'

You sef, when someone tells you, you have said a hurtful thing, just apologize and don't try to defend yourself with "I was just joking nau" life is hard, Nigeria is harder, do better. 🤲🏾

Let's Wrap This Up!

Some people do not even believe they should set boundaries and demand that people come correct with them. They believe that everyone should have access to their personal space.

Darling, that is bad spiritual hygiene and it will do nothing for your self-esteem in the long run. You will end up running on a treadmill of trying to please people. Humans are insatiable. Even if you had the most perfect body, someone would still point out something they do not like. 

When someone tells you they like you better with hair, you rush to the hair salon, when someone says you look better with your haircut, you are at the barbershop. When another person says you are gaining too much weight, you starve yourself and put your health in jeopardy trying to look trim when your original weight was perfectly healthy. 

Also, setting boundaries does not end at only telling people not to talk about your body. Boundaries also extend to finances, demanding that people respect your time, your work, your craft. 

Basically, for anything that doesn't go down well with you, it is important you politely explain that you do not appreciate their intrusion.

Here are some ways you can establish boundaries with people:

Here are some real-life situations where snide comments made people set boundaries. Names have been changed to ensure anonymity.

So, dahz all!

Do you have boundaries in place in your relationships?

Do you believe everyone is your friend and can contribute to your personal life decisions?

How important do you think boundaries are?

What has been your experience speaking up for yourself?

I want to read it all, I've missed you so much.

Give me the gist, hold nothing back. 🤲🏾

I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments.

See you soon!




I listened to this amazing JP Cooper's September Song and The soothing Cavemen's Root Album whilst writing this. 

And you guessed right, I'm obsessed with pawpaw memes😂 Dude has a corresponding meme for everything!


  1. Thank you for sharing, YG. The whole world needs to read this.

    1. Awww. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the read💜

  2. Love the post yardgirl❤️❤️ People really need to hear that boundaries are a thing. Please don't cross the line. I think social media, parasocial relationships and the easy accessibility have given the illusion that people can talk a certain way cause they feel you're 'close' to an extent. But not you're really not.

    1. Exactly! Social media is the big factor that limits setting boundaries. As humans we need to learn that not everything is black and white and you do not have to say how you feel everytime.

  3. It's a good write up if you ask me we can say some of the things in friendlier ways but body shaming is very wrong, learning how to put out our opinion is very important I've been having an issue with a close friend cause of this boundary stuff...we all just need to learn it cause it's a healthy way to live it brings more peace of mind I tell you,let your yea be yea and your nay,nay if it's that plain it'd be understood if fewer persons get it that's not so bad I mean having fewer friends is not bad either just as you've rightly written YG, the world is hard, Nigeria is even harder so let's try....

    1. I totally agree, there are nicer ways to say things. Also boundaries should be set in a polite way, and if the person still refuses, I strongly advice distancing yourself from that person.

    2. Glad you enjoyed the read. Grateful for your comment 💜

  4. I saw your link on someone's status and click it, your write up is so real I enjoyed it

    1. This is so wholesome! Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed the read🌟

  5. This is a beautiful piece! Thank you for sharing yard girl❤

  6. I've missed you right back Yard Girl�� and as usual this is a beautiful one❤️

    I recently just detached myself from a friend, I miss her every single second of the day (because she was like my only friend and I'm horrible at making friends) but I miss my mental stability more... Plus this friend never ever took corrections, always felt she was right and I really can't deal anymore.

    Here's the gist, this my friend for some reason understands all the angles of boundaries when it has to do with her but when it comes to other people's boundaries she suddenly becomes daft... This person was always making snide comments about my weight (and the thing is I'm not fat but then you can't exactly refer to me as slim either), she would liken me to elephants, or a trailer or one other big thing, like even if I was fat, it's not a disease... I would get angry at these things and mama would laugh it off with how I didn't know how to play and stuff...
    Turned out she wanted to be fat, and instead of asking how I did it (even if I don't have to try to be how I am) she would simply talk rubbish, I sha saw screenshots on Mama's phone where she googled how to get fat in a week and how to get fat fast, I just asked her why she was in such a hurry to be an elephant, she sha explained how she felt her bones were too visible and blah and blah... Me I just know her head is not correct.

    This friend again went on to announce to people (while laughing of course) how I was assaulted... I told her this thing in confidence, all sad and stuff, but she felt I just needed her help in broadcasting this beautiful, funny thing that happened to me.

    One of my roommate's friend was always telling me how I'd be really fat in the future and I'll just smile and tell her I wasn't worried or I'll simply ignore her because she was stressing me with this fat talk, then one day out of the blues, she told I'll end up with elephantiasis because my thighs are big... That was the last straw, I wanted to tell her horrible things, all the things I'd heard from her friend but I didn't do that, I just told her that she could get whatever she wanted rheumatism or elephantiasis and just stop stressing me. And we lived happily ever after.

    Some months after secondary school graduation I posted my picture on WhatsApp and this guy, (he was my friend then sha) replied ewwww (the disgusted sound oo) and I ask what the problem is, so he goes on to tell me, he loved my body when we were in school and that he just didn't understand what I was trying to do now, so I better lose the extra fat I had gained... I was amazed at his odacity for a moment, but I went on to tell him how I intended on gaining some more so I could him or he could block me since he wasn't fine with how I looked. He didn't reply again...

    Boundaries are not something I'm very good at setting, I just smile it away (and in this case they come back 98% of the time) or I soak it all up and one day just explode, In this case they just conclude that I'm monster and completely act like they have no idea what they've done wrong... Boundaries are beautiful, everybody knows where they stand, everybody is happy and everybody lives happily ever after.

    P.S: Your cut is beautiful and you're beautiful yardy♥️♥️♥️

    1. Hello! Reading this and all I could say was WOW!

      First off, I'm sorry you had endure a tough relationship like that.

      I'm also glad that you got of that situation and you have learned to set your boundaries. I'm so happy for you.

      Thank you so much for reading ❤❤

  7. Wonderful pieces. Thank you.

  8. Please excuse my typos, I'm just angry ��

    1. Lol. Totally understand. Typos are allowed here. I edited this post 6 times 😅

  9. Everyone needs to read this.

  10. Hi yard girl!
    I've seen you give notifications whenever there's a new post but I've never brought myself to open any. This right here, like this piece is the most beautiful piece I've read in a while. I've had problems setting boundaries and I think I need to pick that up. Other times, I get scared people may just see it as me been rude like your reaction was interpreted by a few. Summarily, I think you did exactly what I'd have done if I was in your shoes. This piece is highly recommended and relatable.

    1. Welcome! Welcome! Glad you enjoyed the read!

      Yes, boundaries are super important. Thank you so much❤❤❤

  11. Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the read.

  12. On the subject of boundaries, I remember one of my very close friends in school who always commented on my weight like it affected her in any way. I usually just smile such stuff away, but I gained so much weight during lockdown and when I resumed school, I was dreading the comments from her and she didn't disappoint.

    I decided to try something different. I noticed that she lost a lot of weight. She's slim and she has always wanted to add weight but she loses it very quickly (I envy this ability.) For every time she commented on my weight or eating habits, I'd comment the next day on her being skinny. It continued for a month until she got angry with me about it and I told her that I was simply doing the same thing she's been doing for long and I gave her time to let it sink in. She didn't apologize (I didn't either; I wasn't sorry,) but I forgave her and we resumed our friendship. We're still close and I can still see her struggling with breaching my boundaries but thankfully she's getting better at it and we're becoming closer again.

    Some people are just ignorant and posts like this help spread the word. Some take correction, some don't. Truth is, we've all crossed boundaries at some point in our lives and we should forgive others when they do. If they keep doing it over and over again, then kindly buy a huge pair of scissors and cut away.

    1. Oh wow! People can be a lot. Projecting your insecurities on someone else at the expense of their self-esteem.

      I'm glad you are working on making your relationship with her better. Glad you enjoyed the read.

      Thank you for your ever-insightful contribution, Preye❤

  13. Nice post YG, I did miss your blog posts personally. Pls don't go MIA on us again

    1. Dearest Benjamin, I've missed seeing your name and reading your thoughts. I promise not go MIA again. 🥺❤❤

  14. First of all,let me start by saying this is a lovely write up, I can really relate to most of the things you said because I just went through same thing. I cut my hair recently and everyone has been expressing their thoughts, most people have done it the right way but then there are a few people who have sounded so stupid, like they are entitled to some sort of explanation as to why I decided to cut my own hair on my own head. Lol. Very funny but I think some people to learn how to maintain boundaries.

    1. Well, look at that. Welcome Queen! 😍😍

      Yep! People should learn where to draw the line. Thank you so much for reading this. Thank you for your contribution.😍

  15. Good I learnt to shut such people out right away. Like even give you the opportunity to stress me ontop the bad comment you have made about me. Because most times these people are unreasonable, and make one look stupid for speaking up. People go through a lot of unimaginable stuff, we shouldn't make it worse by feigning ignorance.

    Boundaries are important, even at home.

    Thank you Yard Girl for sharing this experience

    1. People can be unreasonable sometimes, and it's important you speak to for yourself. Glad you enjoyed the read ❤

  16. Fact remains, You can't shame the shameless. Nice Write-up.

  17. This is amazing actually. People need to see this and have sense. It’s just remarkable how you can write, and make jokes, and the joy ride continues. I’d love more

    1. I hope more people understand how much words hurt/affect other people. Thank you for reading ❤

  18. It's an issue right now. I'm glad to read through.

    Have learned a thing here. It's kinda hard for me to deal with lot of people, being the fat that no one will treat me as I treat others.

    The maximum respect I have for my contacts, friends, family and others is exceptional. .

    Sometimes you just don't want to deal with it. Human often throw one out of the road, one way or the other we just have to endure and get along with life.

    Many thanks for sharing YARD GIRL.

    Biko share the bread, I get Akara.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, the fact is as much as you have respect for your friends and family, they ought to respect you too.

      Glad you enjoy the read.


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