
Showing posts with the label Yard Girl's Messages


Seasons Greeting. It is the most beautiful season of the year, growing up Nigerian the climax of Christmas for me was wearing new fancy dresses, seeing family members after months of being away, all the love and joy. Christmasss! This year things changed a bit, I didn't get new clothes lol, my younger sisters on the other hand enjoyed the bliss of Christmas (new clothes, shoes, all that razz) the surprising part of it was how indifferent I was about getting something new for Christmas, if this was 5 years ago, all hell would have let loose, how would I have faced my friends, whilst wearing something not new? but change is the most constant thing in life, I've evolved. Note: this does not mean I will not accept a late Christmas present😁😂. So, on Christmas eve it dawned on me that Christmas day for me would not be normal. Hehehe. A magical middle ear infection got me (relax, it's nothing serious, it was caused by cold or a respiratory problem,I'll explain furth


I was always bothered about my eyes. (I'm cross-eyed BTW). Yes, I used to be ashamed of my eyes, there were times when I'd ask God why I had such "crazy eyes". Like I said. I was bothered, but not anymore. Being born with 'Boss eyes' wasn't easy, especially as a child, I had to struggle to keep steady eye contact with my classmates, some called me "witch" 😂 (nay!! like I care now) but back then those words hurt so much. I remember crying to mum and asked "mummy why are my eyes like this?" That was the same question everyone asked me "were you born with your eyes like this?" Mum replied my question "Sweetheart! Your eyes are pretty" I didn't believe her, at a point I hated my parents for choosing to bring me into the world with the most crazy pair of eyes. I continued with life, the same questions were still asked. Secondary school was worse, I stopped using my medicated glasses for awkward  reasons(d