Singlehood; My Choice?!

Let's Gist!

When I do think about it, singlehood isn't my choice but I'm basking in the ambiance of it, don't get me wrong, I want to love and be loved, everyone wants love but no one wants wrong love. I asked some ladies and here's what they had to say:

I thought I'd met the perfect guy, really artsy just like me, I didn't have to make it so obvious I was into him, he jumped on the same vibe. When we spent the first night together and I calmly told him I wouldn't to get intimate immediately, he didn't argue or complain, after that weekend, our relationship changed to sour egusi soup. He told me the truth eventually. He had a girlfriend.
So yes, I'm single because I could get played. I'm guarding what is left of my sanity.
My ex broke up with me for the first time. His reason; "I want to draw closer to God" I swallowed it, didn't react but every time I remember that lame excuse, I'm in fits of laughter, why would someone ever use God as a reason to get out of a relationship?
My ex had a funny dress sense, call this a trivial reason but it turned me off that he just couldn't see reasons why he needed to dress more nicely, we called it quits.
My first guy kept another woman and when I found out he said he did it to find out if I could fight for him. Me? Fight another woman for a man? Hehehe. I'd rather fight over party Jollof. I dropped him like a bag of garri!

I've learned that a man's love is optional for me, being single doesn't scare me, when the person I love doesn't appreciate and love me the way I do him, I have to let go and it is his loss, not mine.
Singlehood for me is a daily struggle, when I'm with my girlfriends and "man issues" are raised, I barely contribute but then again I don't get to cry or worry about someone breaking my heart.

How are you enjoying your singlehood, that's if you are single, are you even enjoying it? I'd like to read your story. Share your experience(s) in the comment section. (Select the anonymous identity if you need to)

📷Cover Photo: Grace, Lizzy, Dee Dee & Online. You all are amazing cover girls! Thank you💝


  1. You just made singlehood sound fun.

  2. Single hood is fun but not for everyone.. If you are among those trying to break grounds, build from the scratch to achieve a life time goal, setting up a huge firm, going against conventional practice to beat up the usual.. Single hood is not for you..

  3. Sometimes I totally love being single. I love the freedom to make random friends. I love that I do not feel obligated to check on a particular person. I love that I can totally focus on building my business.
    But on some days, I just want someone. My own person. Truth is, deep down, I'm so scared of having someone who isn't really mine...

    1. This is deep and relatable! Thank you Prissy💝

  4. I always say that before you can love another person, you have to first love yourself. Singlehood gives room to do stuffs by yourself. Take yourself out, treat yourself nicely. When you can do all that yourself, you don't need another person to make you feel good about yourself. Being in a relationship is a beautiful thing, but to be happy with another person, one has to be happy in one's self.

    1. Bottom line: Be happy!

      This beautiful. Thank you Sybil💝

  5. It was really fun when I was single but honestly, I'm happy with the person I am with now. But I totally believe that nobody should go into a relationship for the wrong reasons. Don't chase love. It will come to you.
    Nice read, Yardgirl. ��

    1. It will always come to you! Thank you B💝

  6. Babe, yunno I’m enjoying it, to be loved is great but to love yourself and know your worth is everything, cheers to all the single ladies, y’all are amazing

  7. Singleness is not loneliness. To enjoy being single, you have to love yourself completely, be whole, get rid of your deficiencies, if not you'll think that being single also equates to loneliness. Being single is bae. No unnecessary stress.

    1. It isn't loneliness at all. Enjoy the good life😘

  8. In as much as we want to hav that special one in our lives, let's nt rush into it so that we don't make stupid mistakes in the name of nt been single, who so ever that is single should enjoy it n give herself the opportunity of meeting people to help make better choice

    1. No need rush, enjoy the good life😘 Thank you

    2. Well I just recently join the single hood , it is fun but not immediately fun after a heartbreak , but as times goes on , I got to love my self more and develop my self, I have kissed so many frogs maybe I am my own prince

    3. It isn't always easy at first but enjoying yourself and protecting your sanity is where happiness lies. Thank you for sharing this

  9. Funny fact is that have being single for the past 19 am only 20 though...well I only got to date 6months ago cut the long story short dating is only sweet when you find someone who has same vibe with u, so u won't end up feeling like u asking for so me when dating dere are lot of shit u ave got to tolerate and I realized I wasn't ready for any of those��....for now am my own muse trying to figure out myself verywell before adding another person to my life..

  10. For me, the important thing is your happiness, most people can't deal with being alone, they like the idea of knowing they have someone to call their own. Single life isn't bad at all, flex your flex^_^��, no need to worry if he's cheating, if you are asking for too much, if he's not pretending, the list could go on. The important thing is happiness and your sanity is still intact ��.


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