Ooin! You Are Doing Well.

I wrote this especially for you. Yes, you!

These are hard times, the economy is slowly turning upside down, there is a virus out there, your lifestyle has been in a way restricted, so much happening in, so little time. But, here you are alive, breathing, reading this and happy I believe. Ooin! You are doing well.

The past few months has tested my will to live, when the lockdown started I would sit and complain about being bored, sometimes I would pray for it to end and sometimes bouts of depression threatened to take a hold of me. This is me appreciating myself and everyone in a somewhat similar situation for calming the raging storm in your soul, for being alive and keeping your head above the water.

Dear You, there is a lot to celebrate about you, you have and are making progress, I applaud you for starting that project, I applaud you for finishing that project, for sending in your résumé, for taking on that job, for volunteering, for starting up your business, for being consistent, for writing that book, that short story, that poem, that article, for agreeing to teach that class, for mentoring someone, for agreeing to be mentored, for having fun as hard as you work. I applaud you for being alive.

Blowing Your Trumpet:

Now more than ever you've got to normalize blowing your trumpet because, guess what? No one else will.

You are going to come off as a show-off to some, as too much of an over-doing human, as proud, but even staying in your closet, people would still interpret as pride. Let's face it, everything you do or don't do would still count as pride to someone, just do it anyway. You are doing it for you and not for them.

I got a job officially last month, and I'm really proud of myself, I see myself taking up opportunities, I never thought I would, -at least not so soon- and I'm super psyched to see the woman I'm becoming, I had a job interview with a company in Lagos who saw me on an Instagram live, and I couldn't even have gotten that interview if I was hiding in my closet and counting sheep. I put together my résumé, it was a lot, and I was even jealous of myself. LOL. I had a great June, no cap!

There's a lot for you to do, the world has a lot to offer, and this pandemic should not hinder you, this is a chance. A friend got a massive writing gig because she wasn't hesitant to say she could do the job, she got that job in just two text messages, no preambles, just self-promotion, confidence, and skills.

You must learn not to hide in your shadow because you do not want to be that over doing man/woman. You must learn to talk about your achievements, no matter how insignificant you think they are, talk about your goals, your ambition, speak them into actions. This isn't you showing off. This is you staking your claim to something. This is you self-promoting and no-one ever achieved something great by not self-promoting.

“Na who find something dey see something”

I'm no motivational speaker, I can only speak about this because I've been that closet girl, too scared to take on challenges, too shy to network and mingle, so scared she missed opportunities. I do not want this for you. I want you to do well.

Ooin! You will do well, you are doing well, and I'm super proud of you.


Yard Girl❤


 I had Tems — Looku Looku on repeat writing this.🎶


  1. Our Yardgirl doing well on this one. Congrats for the job.

  2. Great content
    I'm proud to be your friend
    I'm proud to be a yard person.

    1. I'm proud of you too❤❤ Able yard Person!

  3. Love and light❤️

  4. Amazing content.
    Thank you.

  5. Replies
    1. Glad you were inspired. Thank you for reading!❤

  6. I love, I love. We've really gotta normalize blowing our trumpets. Funny thing is, sometimes I get too busy to blow trumpet. So I'm everywhere doing amazing things yet creating time to blow trumpet on the media is like work. New media used to be a lot easier, now, it feels like a rat race but then if you never show up, you're never seen.

    Good job on this post.

    So this our job, when are you tithing to me?

    1. Mama The Mama! Please take out time to blow your trumpet. The world needs to see all the amazing things you do.

      I'm proud to be your daughter. And yes, I'll pay tithes to you soon, lol🤣🤣🥰

  7. Nice one Mena. Ooin! You are really doing well

    1. Thank you Hove. You are doing very well! Ooin!

  8. It's time i get out my box. Thanks dear

  9. This is super amazing. Go Girl! You rock.
    You know no one wants to be left out and sometimes trying to put yourself out there can be scary at least it was for me. But gradually taking the bold step and stepping out has been fun. Tho small fear still dey my body but no wahala we go step out.
    Thanks Mena

    1. You are always going to be scared about putting yourself out there, but if you don't, no one else will. You go girl!!!!

  10. Love!!
    Thank you for this. It needed to be said.

  11. Thank you for reminding me to blow my trumpet. These days, I'm just too tired to say anything about anything. Meanwhile, I've got awesome stuff happening in the background.

    I'm proud to know you, YardGirl. The things you're doing now are nothing compared to the things you'll do.

    1. Aunty 😍✨ I'm proud to know you too and I won't get tired of telling you how much you inspire me. You Rock!! ❤

  12. Now, this is going to be my mood from now on!!
    To be honest, I shut down because in my head the things I do people see it as too much that no one even thought to hype me. I've dealt with it. It's not easy but from today Yard girl, I promise to hype myself for myself because oiin, I'm doing well!
    I'll do what I love how I can, I'll say positive things only, I'll blow my own trumpet! Also, I go find something so that something go see me😁
    Thank you so much for this post❤🤗

    1. Ooin! You are doing well! You have done well! Hype yourself on a stead, so much so that you will not need anyone else to do that 😁

  13. Congratulations by the way! More wins!😁

  14. Yes, I'm doing well, amazing in fact. Glory be to God. This season has been a rollercoaster but I'm grateful it's ending in praise. Congrats on your job, I hope you're enjoying it?

    1. Isn't God just amazing?! Thank you. Yes, I am enjoying the job. It isn't so new anymore

  15. Amazing...'blow your trumpet'!


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