
Been a minute yeah?! What's good? What's Poppin? There's so much to catch up on.

Well, these past months have been…. Overwhelming. I want to say it has been rosy but I'm gonna say it like it is. The most important thing is I'm alive to write this and you are alive to read this. What more could I ask for? 

My country certainly has a way to rearrange your plans. I mean, I was supposed to be done with my undergraduate degree before I clocked 20 but E B things. ASUU got in the way, the pandemic backed it up and after 7 whole months just when it seemed the whole pandemic phase was over and we began to attend parties and discard face masks, the nationwide #Endsars protest -which I am very proud to have been part of- began. And it was and still is a mentally and physically draining part of Nigerian history because we are asking for one thing, just one thing;

STOP KILLING US. And they still kill us for asking not to be killed. Wow! Just wow!

I don't want to dive into details or this post would go on forever if I did. Amid the protest, the government tried to hassle ASUU to make them suspend the strike. I honestly feel say na ment sha🤡 But guess what?! Even if they called off the strike, my school would still be flooded. How lucky am I?!

Now, there might probably be the second wave of #Endsars protest because our government thinks we are a joke and have coconut water in our heads. Talking about the second wave, there might likely be a second wave of Covid-19  (if it isn't here already), so stay safe guys. This is a lot to handle, and I just want to live amidst all these happenings and I'm sure you do too. 

Just in 2020, I've lost, I've loved and still love, I've cried, been depressed, laughed hard, mehn it feels like this year was just spiced with mood swings. But, even with this, I am grateful, I won't say fulfilled but I'm grateful🌼

I abandoned this space for months (5 months precisely) even with all the plans I had for Yard Girl, well do I regret the time wasted? yes. Can I get it back? No. What can I do? I muuuveee! Things got out of hand, my priorities were misplaced, I didn't put myself first but It's a process and I'm not going to subject myself to unnecessary mental pressure. I just want to do things at my own pace, with no pressure, no external influence. Just genuine happiness, growth, and improvement. Just Yard Girl and Vibes 🥂

In other news, do you know how I can apply for postgraduate studies in Canada without getting my undergraduate degree first?! I'll be in the comment section awaiting an answer 👀 because I'd love to experience blogging from abroad.

Well, now that you are all caught up on what's been going on with me, how about you? What have you been up to? Talk to your girl, you know you want to🤗

I hope you have a very beautiful week ahead, don't stress it just go with the flow. I love you💕

Yard Girl is back yo!

I had Chike's Boo Of The Booless on repeat writing this.


  1. Welcome back baby! I missed you��

  2. Amazing blog. 2020 wasn't the year we all planned for but we meeve☺️.

  3. Just a few lines to change.. we dey this matter together.

    The worst of it about the school matter, I have a pending admission which will expire by February if I'm unable to send my transcript b4 then. Assu is playing ten ten with my life💔 just one semester to go ooo

    1. So sorry to hear that but I know we'll overcome. I wish you all the best!

  4. Indeed Nigeria has a way of rearranging somebody's plans. Be that as it may we'll scale through.

    I trust you're good yardgirl

    1. Sighs*

      We'll scale through. Yes, I am good😊 I hope you are too

  5. This piece gives me peace.
    During the past few months a lot has happened. It being more of depressing than exiting. But recently i met someone, someone who gives me peace, comfort, excitement,i recently found out how it feels to have butterflies.
    I'm happy I'm moving on and feeling better. I had to get out of toxic before i choked, thanks to my little team(Memuade) for being there to support.
    Thanks Yard girl ��
    And PS Don't ask me who i met��

    1. Ouuiiii! I'm happy you are happy babe girl. Thank you for sharing this


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