
Contrary to popular belief, there is peace for the wicked.

  The wicked ones are up! It’s such a crazy concept, you know, wickedness? Like you know what is right, but you do the opposite and do it knowing you are ruining someone else’s life. Anyway, if you can read this, it is my birthday. I like to keep my things brief, tho; I have no plans for my birthday this year. I had one before tho, get a new apartment in a new city and open a bottle of red wine. Why did that plan change, you are asking? Well, maybe life in collaboration with wicked people ( Portharcourt housing agents). Anyway, I get to spend my 24th birthday -read as 19th- with my family. I even ironed the clothes I’ll wear today. Lol. My birthday plans made me realize that no matter how much I try to be in control of what goes on in my life, I can’t control EVERYTHING. It’s a very bitter pill, as bitter as those yellow uncoated anti-malaria tablets. Urgh! I can taste it in my mouth. 23 was quite a year. I took so many risks in my career, quitting a job with no backup plan, getting a

The Dating Game Is Rigged!

The Dating Game is Rigged! Clears cobwebs*  Surprise Surprise🎶 I know what you are thinking. ‘A blog post? It’s not even your birthday yet, Mena, we don’t deserveyou you  Don’t worry; it’s not much of an explanation for why I am here. The shege I have seen has dragged me here. I need to rant, and I need to do it here.  Let’s dive right in, shall we? The Dating Game is Rigged , and you might not agree that it is, and that’s fine. The dating pool is a mess, and the ‘streets’ are empty yet filled with all manner of rubbish simultaneously.  What are we left with but people who mask their emotions? They do not want to love too much, show too much, or care too much for a person they claim to be emotionally invested in, and if you check, it’s because they have also seen shege too, but some people are wicked for the fun of it, and I have proof. Here are three reasons I think the Dating game is rigged: People with good intentions rarely meet people with good intentions. Why can’t two genuinel

Season 23, Episode 1

I f you are reading this, it's my birthday. Yessss, right? It's been a whole year since I wrote to you; I have been chasing the bag and getting a hold of my mental health. One thing they won't tell you as you grow older is how much your mental health is tied to having money. Well, not necessarily having all the money in the world but indeed being comfortable. For me? Being extremely comfortable to afford the basics and little extra in life. I've spent the past days leading to this day buried in work and looking at snap chat highlights from 2020 - 2022. Those highlights made me realize how my excitement for my birthday has dwindled. In 2020, I even went a little extra to get my makeup done and had an elaborate pre-birthday photoshoot. Last year, my best friend came over and took cute photos of me in a dress I haven't had the chance to wear again. (P.S; my best girl also did same this year) This year, I've gotten a lot of pep-talk from my best girls, and I'm i

"So Far. So Good. Koni Bajé, My Darling!'"

I f you are reading this (on the date of its publication), it's my birthday!  Hey, it's been a while!! If you are loyal to the Yard People Community, you should've gotten a drift of what has happened in the past months since I last wrote to you. I started a podcast . I Went to suffer small for Nigeria as the patriotic citizen that I am. So a few friends have asked how I feel about turning 22, well, it feels weird that I'm not as excited about my birthday as I used to be. It's crazy, it is! In 2020, I created time to do a professional photo shoot, got a cake, and actually had an in-house party with friends and all. I raised hell and broke shit, literally, because I broke my father's favourite wine glass. Lol. Fast forward to 2021, I was a fresh graduate, a month into my new job, the money was there and it was good but I didn't go all out for the birthday, spent it again with my family and best friends. Well, let's say 21 taught me a lot. Life is fickle. P

How I Almost Fell In Love; Of Breakfasts and shitty almost-relationships.

(Based on true events, except the untrue parts.👀 ) Hiya! Yard Girl here!  I promised to write back and here I am!  Before I begin, I’d like to say that I love Love, I love to see relationships that work and I like to be constantly reassured that I am not crazy to want to get it right in choosing a partner. When I tell people my relationship status, they first doubt me and then proceed to name all my qualities and reaffirm how impossible the probability of me being still single is. I’m not single because I want to. Now that I think of it, I am single because I want to. This thing called settling because I can’t afford to not have someone call me ‘babe’ is not for me. In this not very long blog post, I'll be sharing my honest random thoughts on relationships. You might not agree with everything you read and that's okay.  Let's dive right in! The Gist I almost fell in love some time ago. I thought I had met ‘The One’. It felt great, really. This wasn’t just some silly interne

Boundaries 101; Try Silence Sometimes.

Hiya! Yard Girl here! I am back like I went to buy bread!  It's been a minute. I’ve missed writing here and also reading your amazing contributions. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote to you. Adulthood is steadily showing me shege but I'm dealing with it. (Abba doing his thing as usual.) I’ll give you the gist in bits. I do not want to bore you. Lol. Let’s dive right in. Now, I have had a lot of conversations surrounding the subject of setting boundaries.  What struck me the most was the fact that some people do not believe that boundaries should be defined in their relationships. They mistake random people for friends, and allow these 'friends' have a say in how they look and feel.  Boundaries according to , can be defined as the limits we set with other people, which indicate what we find acceptable and unacceptable in their behaviour towards us. Here's the story behind this post:  So, I cut my hair last year. Honestly, there was no